
I'm a life-long model railway enthusiast who enjoys all aspects of the hobby. I've built models, permanent layouts, exhibition layouts and modules in a variety of scales and gauges - including HOn30, HO, Sn2, S, On2, On30, O/Proto:48, live steam in 1:19 and 1:13.7, and a full-size replica of a Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes water crane, used by the Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad and Museum.

Driving ex Monson RR #4, Maine
Narrow Gauge Railroad & Museum
I regularly write about the hobby and my articles have appeared in Railroad Model CraftsmanModel RailroaderModel Railroad PlanningGarden Rail, the Layout Design Journal, and other publications.

In 2010 I launched The Model Railway Show, a podcast with co-host Jim Martin and Technical Director Chris Abbott - who are both also members of the S Scale Workshop.

While hanging around with the Workshop, the 1:64 bug bit. I acquired some equipment and in 2011 I started building an S scale home layout based on the Canadian National Railways branch to Port Rowan, Ontario. I almost finished that layout when a cross-country move in September 2020 forced me to abandon it.

As part of the move, I acquired a larger, more nicely finished layout space and I'm currently deciding what to put in it. There are many options but S scale remains at the top of the list.

My positive experience in S scale was due in large part to having such a talented group of friends in the Workshop to guide me.

When not working on model railways, I run my own professional writing services business. I also enjoy traditional pen-and-paper based roleplaying games and tabletop miniatures games. For a number of years, I also trained my border collies to work sheep, but they've now retired from that.


  1. Hi all - just came across your group whilst researching modular layouts; although S Scale is the majority rail modeller group in NZ, albeit to replicate the 3ft 6" colonial gauge railways which operate here (so 16.5mm track gauge) a small band have struck off into the wilderness to explore "NZ48", which is also sometimes termed On42.

    Our philosophy is to model NZR in 1:48 scale to as close to prototype scaled dimensions as is technically feasible, but affordable.

    Fortuitously S scale (1:64) standard gauge (4ft 8") track converts to 22.43 mm, which is a shade wider than an exact scaling at 22.23mm for the 3ft 6" gauge.

    With our biennial Model Rail Convention set for Easter 2022, I am tasked with producing a couple of modules to display the locos and rolling stock which we are slowly acquiring.

    In adopting NMRA/UK S scale recommended practices for track etc, slightly modified to suit NZR specs for sleepers (ties) spacing and dimensions, using NZR "Norwegian" couplers and scale NZR wagon wheels it allows us to use Fast Track S scale templates and Tomalco rtr track suitably ballasted. If the group is interested am happy to post more info and links on this "cross-over" into S scale from 1:48. just one point of further information re your modules - what are the dimensions for the standard modules, as I am looking at using insulation foam blocks which are 1200 x 400 x 40mm at this stage,

    1. Thanks for writing!
      You asked about standard module sizes. We have no standard module sizes. We follow a Free-mo standard, which only specifies the details at the module interfaces - things such as railhead height from the floor, width of the interface panel and location of the main track on it - and common elements such as wiring protocols.


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